
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

1,415 Miles Away...

At the beginning of my spring semester at Phoenix College, a friend of mine, Sam,
told me she was applying to summer internships and advised that I should, too.
After hearing this, I took it to my advantage and applied to about 7 summer
programs ranging from The University of San Francisco to The University of Iowa
(U of I). Out of the 7 internships I applied for, the first 4 schools rejected my
application. As one would imagine, I was beginning to lose hope. However, after
a week or so, I received a call from U of I telling me that I was accepted. From
the time of the call (March) to May, I was looking for a mentor, filling out
paperwork and practically preparing myself for the 8-week program.

Today, I am 1,415 miles away from home and this is the first time I am completely
on my own. Nonetheless, I have been in Iowa City, IA for 3 weeks and it has been
a great experience so far. The wonderful people, my research project and beautiful
campus have made my stay worthwhile. In my next post, I will be sure to blog about
my research once I fully understand it and am able to explain it!

Figure 1. O'Hare International Airport located in Chicago, IL.
Figure 2. The University of Iowa campus. The building that is shown is known as the Old Capitol.
Figure 3. A closer look at The University of Iowa's Old Capitol
Figure 4. A rainbow outside of my dorm is formed after a day of rain.
Figure 5. The 2018 summer interns at The University of Iowa's SROP (Summer Research Opportunity Program).